About Mary

Meet Ms. Mary.
Mary Ostrowski is an educator and author, perhaps better known as Ms. Mary. She likes to say her babies are unconventional in that she doesn’t have any of her own, but as a veteran educator and preschool owner she has many! She is devoted to helping parents raise their children to be confident, resilient and to have a love for learning.
Mary’s work is comprised of three pillars. She is the owner of Weems Creek Nursery School, a quintessential preschool in Annapolis, MD. She is the author of the Drip, Drop and Drizzle book series, a combination of creativity journals and picture books for children 5-10. Kids everywhere will relate to Ms. Mary's three school-aged friends who experience the ups and downs that come with growing up and going to school. She is also a consultant and coach for parents considering transitioning to homeschooling.
The Why

I was a child once. I remember what it feels like to be unsure of my place in the world, to be afraid to take risks because I might get it wrong, and to not speak up because people might not like what I had to say.
While many of the experiences school-aged children have are a regular part of growing up, we run a great risk if we minimize them. Even though events and situations seem small to us as adults, we must remember how BIG they feel as a child. If we don’t, we may unwittingly perpetuate their confusion and allow for the seed, “Maybe it’s just me,” to be planted.
The Mission
We have a deep-seeded desire to help children discover and develop their unique voice — and, in so doing, build self-confidence for problem-solving, expressing themselves, and self-advocating. All we need is an open attitude that you can achieve success as you define it. We’ll help you take small, intentional steps towards learning, and drip by drop, we’ll plant these roots firmly in the ground so that creativity, resilience, and learning can grow. This is The Drizzle Effect.

Core Values
All children can and want to learn. Through compassion and understanding, we can help them define success and then achieve it.

It's hard to learn if we don't feel safe. Taking time to get to know kids - what they like and what they dream - helps open emotional space
for learning.

Process and results go hand in hand. Creating bite-size action steps help kids achieve their goals. Celebrate the wins! This is how strong habits
are built.

Growth comes with curiosity and from evaluating the good, bad, and even the ugly. Stepping out of a comfort zone is not easy, but
often satisfying.